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GISS Transportation

Transportation to School

Transportation Collage

The bussing of students attending G.I.S.S. is organized through the "Student Transportation of Eastern Ontario (STEO)" and provided by local bus companies.

STEO is a newly created transportation consortium. Their website contains all the information from locating a school near your home, finding out the bus stop location for your child or getting information on cancellations or delays due to weather. You can also follow the STEO on Twitter at

STEO logo

The STEO website has a feature that will relay to schools, students and parents if there are bussing delays or cancellations for the schools. To learn about the procedure for deciding to cancel buses and how families will be notified, please check out "Procedure For Inclement Weather" on the STEO website.

Where will my bus be?

The following is a map of where the buses will be parked at the end of each day. Students are encouraged to record their bus number and to remember their driver's name. The dismissal bell rings at 2:10pm and all buses will leave the yard no later than 2:20pm each day. Students are asked to ensure that they are on their bus in time to depart each day.

08 14 Bus Map 2014 15

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