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Code of Conduct

School Policies

Gananoque Intermediate & Secondary School is

a School of Character where Everybody Belongs!

Here at the Home Of The Trojans we believe in the pursuit of learning while building a strong sense of caring and respect for all. We regularly consult and communicate with our students through small-group discussions, assemblies and announcements regarding the expectations around their behaviour. We engage our dedicated School Council who act as representatives for the parents of our students. They have endorsed the following.


Our Trojan Code of Conduct is aligned with the UCDSB Code of Conduct and the Code of Conduct from the Ministry of Education. You can access each of them by clicking the links below.

With the proliferation of social media and mobile communication, we need to all work together to ensure that we are acting responsibly and safely.

The following are our expectations for the use of social media and a simple tool to guide your own responsible use of communication technology.

Trojan Social Media Policy


To provide greater clarification on the expectations for the school dress code, the following has been created. Where there are questions, students and parents are always invited to contact staff directly to discuss and seek out further clarity.

GISS Dress Code April 2019.pdf

GISS Dress Code April 2019


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