- Trojan Activities Student Krew (TASK) is the elected student governance team in the school and will promote noon hour intramural activities and encourage students to become involved in the promotion of school spirit and cooperation.
- The team is elected in May and meetings are held regularly.
- TASK needs the cooperation and support of every student in the school to function effectively. The purchase of Student Activity Cards makes it possible for the Trojan Activities Student Krew (TASK) to support various sports, clubs, intramural activities, and projects in the school. Some members of TASK may be appointed in May of the previous year to manage student funds.
- TASK now includes representatives from grade 7&8.
- Check out the latest at:
- TASK Progress Report May 2013.pdf
Whether it's organizing the annual Staff-Student Hockey, Frosh Friday, raising awareness for epilepsy or money for Champions For Kids, TASK is there doing what's right and having fun doing it!
Get involved today! Make it happen!