The Learning Commons

The Learning Commons - TLC
What can TLC offer you?
Your Learning Commons is a place where you can:
- develop a love of reading for learning and for pleasure;
- acquire an understanding of the richness and persity of literary and informational texts produced in Canada and around the world;
- obtain access to programs, resources, and integrated technologies that support all curriculum areas.
- a space for learning, support for tests and assignments.
- Think Tank is a small space available for group work or small meetings.

Have a test coming up and need a space to work with friends to prepare?
Have a group project you are working on and want to spend time at lunch with your group?
Consider booking the Think Tank in The Learning Commons (TLC)!
Learning Commons Informationist - LCI
What? Who?
LCI's play a key role in the development of information literacy and research skills.
Mrs. Clow is the LCI for the Gananoque Family of Schools and is at GISS 3 days a week.
Students can access TLC with permission from their classroom teacher, during lunch, or during a study period.
The Commons is staffed all day. We ask that students are respectful and use the space for learning.
The UCDSB Virtual Learning Commons
A place for students, teachers and parents to discover, collaborate & create!
Grade guides, student success tips, health & wellness, online homework help, book clubs, tech talk, cool software & apps, discussion boards, videos, podcasts, blogs... you name it, we've got it!